
A logo should be immediately recognizable and evoke the right emotion. It may consist of a word mark, a picture or a combination of these.

For the layout we start from sketched ideas, further developed in designs, until we finally, through much deliberation, arrive at a unique logo.
You get the logo in a color, grayscale and monochrome version.

You can also contact me to refresh, redraw and fine-tune an existing logo.

A logo-image can also consist of one or more pictures that support an idea, for example the theme of a meeting. I can, in consultation, choose such images from the extensive collections of stock photos.

Some examples

Logo for a cycling support project

Heel Edegem fietst

Logo of a movement for social connection

Hart voor Edegem

Biarits: logo for cycling shirts

leve de velo

Marijke 50 (party logo)

Marijke 50

The colon (for a PhD on colonoscopy)


Logo AUTO-INVADE (research project)


Logo for a relay diner happening by bike in Antwerp


Logo bvba Las Colinas

Las Colinas

Logo Supervisory Council of the Prisons (three color versions)

Toezichtsraad Toezichtsraad Toezichtsraad

Logo Laboratory of Pathophysiology: Translational research platform in kidney, vessels and bone

kidney vessels bone

Logo Flemish nephrological dieticians

Vlaamse nefrologische dietisten