Layout: making images talk

A flyer or brochure, application forms, and invitation or advertisement, a birth announcement or greeting card, business cards or reply card, poster or roll-up banner ... you name it: I'm ready to make something special.

An unusual arrangement, proper typography, an interesting color combination, a surprising picture crop ... I keep on designing until you really like it.

In addition to the printed version there is always a digital version, usually in pdf.

Examples: click on the thumbnail to open the pdf

RenoMet Introductory brochure for RenoMet, a clinical study

Hier ben ik Booklet "Look ... here I am!"
Guidance for parents of a baby admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit

Openingsfeest Poster opening party Esperanto Antwerp

Trouwfeest Invitation wedding party

10 vragen over alcohol Folder "10 things to know about alcohol""

Taalopleidingen Flyers for language courses in Antwerp: 14 languages; examples shown

Elke Brochure for artist Elke Matthijs

Hugin Mugin Folder Hugin Mugin Research

Layout of meetings

Are you organizing a symposium, conference, seminar, workshop, annual meeting ...?
Whatever you call it, it should look good, featuring a strong and recognizable face.
I can take care of that. In close cooperation, I design the layout of your meeting.
I choose, create and optimize images supported by clear typography and graphic elements.

The design of the meeting is consistently implemented in:

Finally, at the meeting itself, I can take care of a professional photo shoot, including a group photo.

Below a few examples: click on the thumbnail to open the pdf

CGT-I 2024 Course in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia, Leuven 2024

ISMC 2024 International Sleep Medicine Course, Blankenberge 2024

Cost Meeting 2019 The complex pathophysiology of cardiovascular calcification (Cost Meeting, University of Antwerp)

Meeting BASS 2019 BASS Spring Meeting 2019 Brussels (Belgian Association for Sleep research and Sleep medicine)

Meeting BASS 2017 BASS Spring Meeting 2017 Antwerp